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Lecture Notes in Electromagnetism

Basu, Rahul
Lecture Notes in Electromagnetism
There are many books on EM thory, which may confuse students embarking on the voyage to a degree in Physics, Math and Engineering. EM is a common core subject for many streams of science. A good grounding in the basic concepts and applications is essential for adapting to the ever changing Techological field, especially in computers and Science. It is hoped that this compendium of notes is useful, along with quizzes and solutions.

CHF 88.00

Artificial Intelligence - Notes

Basu, Rahul
Artificial Intelligence - Notes
The topic of Artificial Intelligence and " thinking robots" has caught the public fancy, since the time of the TERMINATOR series of movies. It is no longer confined to Academia. Various MOOC's have made the subject accessible to the public and it has been incorporated in many syllabi outside Computer Science coursework..

CHF 76.00

Operations Management -with Problems and Solutions

Basu, Rahul
Operations Management -with Problems and Solutions
Engineering Management is now a rquired subject in most Indian Enginerring colleges. The associated subjects of Operations Management, Project Management, Operations Research formerly considered as separate were briefly touched upon. In recent times these affilated subjects have been incorporated more and more so much so that a good understanding of them is needed to score well in the quantitative sections. It is hope this text would be help...

CHF 77.00

Engineering Management (with Total Quality Management)

Basu, Rahul
Engineering Management (with Total Quality Management)
Management for Engineers is a combination of several sub fields which are also taught as separate subjects, like Operations Management, Total Quality Managment, Operations Research , Production and many more. Although these are usually not covered in detail, it is felt that TQM should now be included as it is a practical application and it is difficult to find texts on the subject. Earlier it would be covered in on the job training but now it ...

CHF 58.50

Solutions of the CAHN HILLIARD equations

Basu, Rahul
Solutions of the CAHN HILLIARD equations
Solutions of the Cahn Hilliard Equations" is a groundbreaking exploration of the Cahn Hilliard equations, a set of partial differential equations that describe the evolution of phase boundaries in materials. This comprehensive guide provides a thorough analysis of the equations and their solutions, offering valuable insights for researchers, engineers, and students in the field of materials science and engineering. The book begins with a detai...

CHF 89.00

Non Conventional Energy

Basu, Rahul
Non Conventional Energy
Real time weather events and other disasters are now commonly seen live on the news. One is led to ask why this is happening so often? Is it because of a desperate need to utilise fossil fuel before it runs dry? Or is it the blatant disregard of Nature and universal warnings about climate change? Can the Technology of today limit warming below 2 deg C? On these and other topics, those of alternate energy and Non Conventional energy resources...

CHF 64.00

Notes in Operations Research

Basu, Rahul
Notes in Operations Research
This is a collection of Lectures comprising several units , which put together form a course in OR for aspiring under graduates. The units comprise modules in Game Theory, NLP, Integer Programming also, There are several worked out problems and exercises with case studies. Notes and lectures are difficult to find where most of the publications are high priced print text books. It is hoped this compilation would benefit students.

CHF 87.00

Mechanics of Solids

Basu, Rahul
Mechanics of Solids
This is a collection of problems and notes for students of Mechanical Engineering, Materials Engineering, and Civil Engineering in most Indian Engineering Colleges. The subject is a basic requirement for several fields including Architecture. Methods for indeterminate structures and graphical methods are used., with numerous examplesand suggested solutions. It is hoped it is found useful helpful.

CHF 65.00

Essays on Harvesting of Ocean Energy by Sensor Networks

Basu, Rahul
Essays on Harvesting of Ocean Energy by Sensor Networks
Ocean Energy is witnessed during the terrific typhoons and Tsunamis. Harvesting the tides to release their energy has been attempted but without serious involvement by Governments who rely largely on fossil fuels. A survey of the technologies with emphasis on using available ocean networks is outliones here.

CHF 41.50

Phase Transformations in Porous Media

Basu, Rahul
Phase Transformations in Porous Media
Phase transformations of materials is a common phenomenon. We are familiar with the melting of ice to wate, and boiling of water to steam, These transformations have been use to generate energy and propel machines. Steam has been used to produce electricity, and was one of the prime movers for the Industrial Revolution. Phase tranformations can also be used to store energy, and many substances are applied in solar energy technology. Another ...

CHF 77.00

Finite Element Methods

Basu, Rahul
Finite Element Methods
The study of Finite Elements is now a required subject in all branches of engineering especially mechanical, civil and architectural, Finite element methods started with structural engineering analysis as for trusses and bridges, and slowly extended to continuum domains. A number of programs are now used and students rely mostly on programs to solve problems, while glossing over the theory which many may not understand.

CHF 35.90

Robotics and Automation

Basu, Rahul
Robotics and Automation
A basic outiline of the elements of robotics with emphasis on transformations and applications in Industry is given. It is hoped this would be helpful to students in various curricula with Robotics as a subject. Question papers and problems are also included.

CHF 35.90

Finite Element Methods

Basu, Rahul
Finite Element Methods
Finite Elements and CFD are often taught as two separate subjects and disciplines. However, the use of high speed computers and computer program tools has made it possible to integrate the two and now CFD often uses FE elements instead of the discretizations in 2D, extendig to 3 D eements easily.

CHF 37.50

Ocean and Renewable Energy

Basu, Rahul
Ocean and Renewable Energy
The idea of renewable energy has found application since the time of the ancient Egyptians, Romans, Chinese, Indians and more recently in Medieval Europe where windmills and watermills were used. Since the Industrial Revolution, King Coal has found his place and may soon be superseded by Nuclear Energy. Solar and Thermoelectric, Wave and geothermal are slowly finding application also.te Climate change has been witnessed recently in the past...

CHF 35.90

Renewable Energy Resources and Strategies

Basu, Rahul
Renewable Energy Resources and Strategies
An overview with descriptions of the alternatives to fossil fuels is provided. Sufficient details are given to enable the reader to proceeed with constructing or developing items like a biogas digester, designing a wind turbine, solar heater and other simple technologies. Alternative sources of Energy are not Hi-Tech, and even a layman can understand the principles involved. The Enabling of Rural Technologies should be the aim of even the Mu...

CHF 25.90

Supply Chain and Financial Parameters of a Small Business

Basu, Rahul
Supply Chain and Financial Parameters of a Small Business
India's emphasis on self-reliance and entry into the global market has made it imperative to adopt and follow lean and ethical management practices. In order to maintain viability and profitability in view of various global players and competition from the tigers of S.E Asia, the industry has to incorporate the tools and practices followed internationally. Local companies have been encouraged to enter the field with the indigenization "Make in...

CHF 24.50

A Study of the Supply Chain and Financial Parameters of a...

Basu, Rahul
A Study of the Supply Chain and Financial Parameters of a Small Manufacturing Business
This study details the on site inspection and analysis of a running indigenous manufacturer and exporter in the highly competitive capacitor industry in S. India. Since the liberalisation of the Indian Economy in the 1990's many scenarios have changed. The easy availability of cheap imports, takeovers, mergers, legislation have altered the scenario.This particular industrial unit was a pioneer in the industry starting in 1972. The fact that it...

CHF 37.50